Red flags of crypto

There are a number of red flags in crypto which should help you determine which crypto to avoid. Here are some red flags that could help keep you or others safe when choosing a crypto to invest in:

  • It is using a popular crypto's name while not actually being associated with it.

  • Celebrities/influencers that have no connection/knowledge of crypto are advertising it.

  • It's copying the name of a previous meme-coin.

  • It doesn't have a whitepaper

  • It doesn't have a social media page, If it does, is it very small/unprofessional.

  • No website/website lacks information on the crypto.

  • The entire premise of the coin is to be a money maker. (invest to moon)

  • "It has huge, vague claims like decentralizing the internet."

  • "No real present (or future) application made clear, even if it's a new area/proposal."

  • "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." Added by

  • "You only make money or 'bounties' when you get friends to invest, or you get a percentage of whatever they invest."

  • "If it says things like:

- Liquidity locked 🔒✅

- 50% burned in Vitalilks wallet

- Easy 100x 🔥

  • "If it uses the phrases:

- The next “…”

- “…” killer

- Missed out on “…”? This is the next “…” "

Breaking out!! soon to 1000x

Last updated

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